Motor City Mashers Meeting Notice THIS Friday, April 8th at 7PM Adventures in Homebrewing Taylor Call Center HAPPY NATIONAL BEER DAY! Our next meeting will…
Your Vote Counts! The Votes are In!!! Thanks to the 17 Mashers that voted! The results are in! Our next meeting will be held on……
We’re having a meeting tomorrow at 7PM at the Adventures in Homebrewing Call Center. Prior to the meeting, stop by the Adventures in Homebrewing store…
There’s a meeting on Friday, February 5th starting at 7PM at the AIH Call Center in Taylor. Come at 6PM and take advantage of the…
Happy New Beer! I hope that everyone had a restful holiday. Now… back to it! Our next meeting is this Friday starting at 7PM. We…
Howdy Mashers! Our November meeting will be held on Friday, November 6th starting at 7PM at the Adventures in Homebrewing Taylor Call Center. At that meeting,…
Motor City Mashers October 2015 Meeting Notice – this Friday, October 2nd – AIH Taylor Call Center 7PM Hello Mashers! My last mailing went out…
Sorry for the delay in getting this out, but we just got everything confirmed… Our next meeting will be a ‘road trip’ to Brew Detroit…
HAPPY IPA DAY! Did you know that Untappd has a special Founder’s Badge along with a regular badge to celebrate this event? Find out more about…
Quick Reminder – Motor City Mashers Meeting TONIGHT at the Glass Academy in Dearborn starting at 7PM
Just a quick reminder that the Motor City Mashers Meeting is TONIGHT at the Glass Academy in Dearborn starting at 7PM. Map and Directions are…